However, penguins have a problem, they are not glamourous. Compared to say, a Golden Eagle, penguins get a raw deal. Who heard of a penguin being a symbol of freedom? The problem is penguins are funny. Very funny. As an example, look at this picture of penguins looking at a cuddly toy:
See, they aren't even trying to be funny. Jim Davidson would give his eye teeth to be half as funny as these penguins.
However, due to the natural humour of the penguin people feel they can use them to create humour where there is none. See below:
Now much as I approve of the sentiment of knocking George Bush, the wilful misuse of the noble penguin is not right. Penguins should only be used to support genuinely funny jokes or ideas. Like this.....
Take note penguin abusers....
Penguins have great survival skills unless they're in a lorry, in which case, um, they don't.
This happened two days after this post. Someone isn't listening to you, dammit.
You see, this IS the kind of thing that happens when people don't respect penguins. One day they will rise, then woe to us all....
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