Quiz related activities resurfaced in East Didsbury last week like a Humpback Whale erupting from the sea for air. Once more
Eyan, Dan and myself terrorised the genteel people of South Manchester with our unique blend of trivia and vague silliness.
Here are Dan's general knowledge round and my theme round (which this month was a personal favourite - Saint or Aint)
1. Quantas is the National Airline of which Country?
2. Which branch of science and technology, dealing with very small systems and devices, takes its name from the Greek word for Dwarf?
3. What is the county town of Shropshire?
4. In which century did diarist Samuel Pepys die?
5. What is the Latin name for the Southern Lights, the high atmosphere effects seen in high latitude Southern Hemisphere regions?
6. Which famous spy, executed by the French in 1917, was formerly a stripper in Berlin?
7. Which sea port famous for the attack of the Italian fleet by the Royal Navy in 1940 is situated between the toe and heel of Italy?
8. Who was the bully in Tom Browns School Days?
9. Who was the female star of Barbarella and Cat Ballou
10. Which unit of measurement is equal to 6080ft?
Saint or AintThe following saints are either real or I have completely made them up. So decide whether they are a saint or whether they aint.
1) Archangel Gabriel – Patron St of messengers
2) Ambrose of Milan – Patron St of Bee Keepers
3) Francis of Norwich – Patron Saint of Chefs
4) Genesius – Patron St of the theatrical profession
5) Madrona – Patron St of Librarians
6) Guy of Dubois – Patron St of dentists
7) Florian – Patron St of Water, danger from.
8) Hubert of Liege – Patron St of dog bites.
9) Decima – Patron St of abacus manufacturers
10) According to the Catholic feast day calendar. How many saints have their feast days on
the 7th March?
Answers early next week
*Edit Monday 19th March - Answers now in the comments*