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On to business. I spent the weekend in a very grey and sodden Birmingham, a place that has on every occasion I have visited it, treated me to lots of rain. So it was that I pitched up at Birmingham New Street train station at about 6pm on Friday evening. As I was a little earlier than expected, I needed to wait outside the station for a while.
I bought myself a rather large coffee in a cardboard beaker the size of a small tanker and plonked myself outside the station to wait. I had come directly from work in Manchester, so I was still wearing a shirt and tie and my smart black coat. As I was sitting on my bag, reading a book (the excellent Naming of the Dead by Ian Rankin incidentally), my open coffee steaming enticingly by my side, deflecting panhandlers with aplomb; something unexpected happened.
Engrossed in a particularly gripping chapter, I almost failed to respond when a smartly dressed gentlemen bent down and calmly deposited 20p in my coffee cup, which was still half full. He generously said something along the lines of "Here you go mate" before moving off. I was rather taken aback and all I could respond with was "Ermmmmm" in my best teacher voice. On hearing this, our Good Samaritan turned back and looked at me properly, horror dawning in his eyes as he realised what he'd just done.
He scurried back apologising so profusely and with such embarrassment on his face that I couldn't help bursting into laughter. After a few minutes conversation he went on his way with a face like a belisha beacon, but with the knowledge that he'd given me the best laugh I've had in ages.
Incidentally, while I'm talking about coffee; I visited a Costa Coffee in Solihull (kicking weekend eh?) and foolishly ordered a large black coffee. I was expecting a large black coffee, what I received was this two handled soup bowl containing over a pint of black liquid.
Hot Fuzz ****
Kingdom of Heaven ***
Munich ****
Ghostbusters *****
Beowulf 3D ***
I really enjoyed this at the cinema, mainly due to it being in utterly stunning 3D. However, be warned on two counts. Firstly, if you do watch it in 3D, expect a splitting headache when you come out. Secondly, its certified 12A which means in theory, you could take young children to it. Whatever you do, don't do that. Its considerably more adult than 12A would lead you to believe. Definitely worth a watch in 3D though....
Birmingham is very happening!! Insulting Birmingham - the weather is usually fine here - I reckon you must have brought the bad weather with you from Manchester!! ;-p
Haha. That gave me quite a laugh.
To be fair, there always was something about your appearance that inspired charity. Nah, just kidding.
HAH. That's one of those classic stories. On the other hand, it must have been annoying at the time to have your coffee ruined... still damn funny though...!
Dave: Thanks you - I can always rely on you to say the nicest things...
Valerie: It was worth it to see the look of dismay spread across his face like a highly amusing sunrise
Roswell: Birmingham & happening. Two words I never thought I would see in the same sentence...
Oy Cheeky - Brum is V happening. It is a great city
Mmmm I always thought we Brummies were very generous and this proves it, a visitor arrives in Brum and we give him some money for a drink...what more could a chap want, same sort of thing happens in Manchester..a chap arrives at Piccadilly station and sits on his bag to read a book with his coffee and a man approaches him from Moss Side and takes all the money off the chap with a gun (only joking...I think I'll stay in Brum;-))
welcome english blogger.
It seems Birmingham has another defender stepping up to the plate. Its lovely to see that at least 2 people like it ;)
Oy - loads of people like it here!!!!! I am becoming a Brummie according to you and a few others - and proud of it!!!
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