Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Look, Look, Look!

I have found my new favourite blog:

(Drum Roll) The Dullest Blog in the World

It's great in every single way I can possibly think of. To give you a flavour, this entry was posted in May of this year.

"I was standing quite near to a wall. I turned my attention towards it for a few moments. Having done this for several seconds I turned away from it and carried on doing something else"

Also check out the hundreds of comments each post attracts. While you're there check out the link to the author's cartoon blog. Its rather amusing...

Borat ****
Jurassic Park ****
Jurassic Park: The Lost World **
Jurassic Park 3 ***
(Yes, I got the Jurassic Park Ultimate boxset - its great, and I don't care what you say...)

Currently Listening to:
Jonezetta - Backstabber
Dead Poetic - Narcotic
Showbread - Oh Emetophobia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dull - that it is. Yet people resond so willingly and in such high numbers... this person could have so many friends on myspace.